Hematology On Air Global Event 2023
🗓 November 7th, 2023 | 🕐 17:00 – 21:30 CET | 🌐 VIRTUAL
Join us in our Global Hematology On Air Assembly, for a full day of medical content!
Over 10 hematology superstars will lead a day-long live broadcast!
About the Event
Hematology on Air aims to bring together prominent experts from around the world to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and future directions in hematology research and clinical practice.
The meeting will allow the speakers to share their insights and research findings with a global audience. These insights will focus on cutting-edge developments, like AI in clinical decision-making, clonal hematopoiesis, novel treatments for various hematologic diseases, and emerging therapies.
For medical professionals, this meeting serves as a platform for continuing education. Attendees can stay updated with the most recent trends, therapeutic approaches, and innovative technologies being used in hematology.
The ultimate goal is to improve patient outcomes. By discussing the novel treatment approaches, such as CAR-T cell development, bispecific antibodies, and precision medicine, the meeting aims to explore how these innovations can be integrated into clinical practice for the benefit of patients.
Scientific Directors
Matteo Giovanni Della Porta is head of Leukemia Unit at Humanitas Cancer Center in Milan, where he is also the head of the Genomics of Hematological Neoplasms Lab. He is Professor of Hematology at Humanitas University and director of the Center for Acclelerating…
Prof. Dr. Dr. Torsten Haferlach is a hematologist and a leading expert in the field of leukemia diagnostics and therapy whose research leads to the development of new diagnostic possibilities.He trained as an internist and hematologist at the university…
Intro to the daily agenda & Intro to first session
Clinical implementation of artificial intelligence to improve clinical decision making process in hematology
Clonal hematopoiesis: new insights and clinical implications
New drug and transplant therapies in AML
Novel therapies and combinations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Treatment approach in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in the time of precision medicine
High or Low? Assessing disease risk in multiple myeloma
CAR-T cell development in multiple myeloma
Bi-specific antibodies for the treatment of lymphomas
Bispecific antibodies for the treatment of lymphomas: promises and challenges
Round table and discussion
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