Torsten Haferlach

Title: Prof. Dr. Dr.
Position: Head of Department
Organization: MLL Münchner Leukämielabor GmbH
Country: Germany

Prof. Dr. Dr. Torsten Haferlach is a hematologist and a leading expert in the field of leukemia diagnostics and therapy whose research leads to the development of new diagnostic possibilities.
He trained as an internist and hematologist at the university hospitals in Kiel and Göttingen and at the LMU University Hospital in Munich, where he was both senior physician in internal medicine and founder and director of the laboratory for leukemia diagnostics there.
In 2005, he co-established the MLL Munich Leukemia Laboratory, a laboratory that nowadays processes more than 100,000 blood or bone marrow samples per year, and more than 4,500 patients are treated in his practice (MHP).